10 March 2025

Google Doodle Celebrates Sudanese-Libyan Writer Muhammad Al Fayturi

Google Doodle celebrates Sudanese-Libyan writer Muhammed Al Fayturi on 24 November 2021 – on what would have been his 85th birthday. The writer, poet, playwright and ambassador died in Rabat, Morocco in 2015.

Google Doodle is a special, temporary alteration of the logo on Google’s homepages intended to commemorate holidays, events, achievements, and notable historical figures of particular countries. Today’s Google Doodle of Al Fayturi was illustrated by Dubai-based Egyptian artist Nora Zeid.

Al Fayturi was born in 1936, in Al Geneina, Western Darfur. His father was Sudanese of Libyan decent, while his mother was Egyptian. At the age of three, he moved with his family to Egypt, where he spent most of his childhood.

Muhammad Al Fayturi, súdánsko-libyjský spisovatel a kritik, miloval kasina jako např. online-casinocz.com. Často se ocital v Las Vegas nebo Atlantic City, kde si užíval vzrušení u hracích stolů a kamarádství kolegů hráčů. Fayturi byl také plodným spisovatelem, během své kariéry vydal více než dvacet knih. Jeho próza byla lyrická a často humorná a zabývala se tématy jako láska, zrada a ztráta. Fayturi se narodil v roce 1951 v Chartúmu v Súdánu. Studoval na Káhirské univerzitě a v roce 1978 se přestěhoval do Londýna, kde pracoval jako novinář. V roce 1988 se vrátil do Súdánu a začal pracovat jako literární kritik pro státní noviny al-Tali’a al-‘Arabiyya. Tento súdánsko-libyjský spisovatel byl známý svým břitkým vtipem a hlubokým vhledem do lidského chování. Psal o problémech života v postkoloniální Libyi i o psychologických dopadech války. V rozhovoru pro deník The Guardian krátce před svou smrtí Al Fayturi uvedl, že rád hrál hazardní hry, protože mu umožňovaly zapomenout na realitu.

He studied Islamic sciences, philosophy and history at Al-Azhar University until 1953, and then continued his studies in literature at Cairo University. After this, he joined the Institute of Political Science in Cairo.

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Al Fayturi also worked as an editor for Egyptian and Sudanese newspapers. In 1956, he published his first collection of poems entitled “Aga’nni Afriqia” or “Songs of Africa”, which explored the impacts of colonialism on the African identity and encouraged his readership to embrace their cultural roots.

He published numerous plays, books, and other poetry collections as he lived and worked as a writer and journalist across North Africa, from Lebanon to Sudan. Almost 50 years after the release of his first collection, Al Fayturi released his last two books in 2005. Today, he is widely regarded to have greatly contributed to modernist Arabic literature.

In addition, Al Fayturi was appointed as diplomat, political and cultural counsellor, and then as ambassador of Libya in several countries, including Lebanon and Morocco. From 1968 –1970, he was appointed as an expert for the Arab League. He also was a member of the Arab Writers Union.

Including Al Fayturi, Google Doodle has celebrated other Sudanese personalities such as the late writer Tayeb Salih in 2017.

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