27 March 2025

Sudan is Safer Than You Think

According to Numbeo, the world’s largest database of user-contributed data about cities and countries globally, Sudan is ranked 77th on its latest Crime Index by Country 2022 report, out of 142 countries.

On the Crime Index, Sudan scored 44.57 and on the Safety Index, the country scored a higher 55.43.

Qatar is ranked 142 as the safest country in the world with Venezuela ranking in the first place as the most unsafe country in the world.

Numbeo scores crimes in Khartoum and Omdurman separately.

According to Numbeo, Khartoum scored a low 31.84 for the level of crime, a low 36.01 for worries being mugged or robbed, a low 37.40 for worries car stolen, a low 31.15 for violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery, a low 34.56 for people using or dealing drugs, and a low 27.68 for worries of being attacked or insulted. However, Khartoum scored a high 76.47 for corruption and bribery, and a high 61.70 for worries things from car stolen.

Crime Index: 37.92
Safety Index: 62.08

According to Numbeo, Omdurman scored a low 31.25 for violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery. However, it scored a high 75.00 for corruption and bribery, a high 62.50 for worries things from car stolen, a high 62.50 for worries being mugged or robbed, and a high 62.50 for worries home broken and things stolen.

Crime Index: 51.84
Safety Index: 48.16

Numbeo is a crowd-sourced global database of quality of life informations including housing indicators, perceived crime rates, and quality of healthcare, among many other statistics. Numbeo has published its annual reports since 2009, based on measurement of the crime rate worldwide. 

Numbeo’s crime index calculations approximate the overall degree of crime in the city or country in question, while the safety index is an approximation of the general safety levels.

The index of crimes in countries is measured according to the laws of those countries as it considers that there are acts that constitute crimes in some countries dissimilar to other countries, which gives an objective measure of the rate of crime in countries following applicable laws.

For more information, visit numbeo.com/crime/rankings_by_country.

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