29 March 2025

Sudan Mourns More Deaths in Biggest Protest of Sudan Uprising

On Thursday, 24 January, thousands of protesters from across Sudan took to the streets demanding the downfall of President Omar Al Bashir and his regime.

Groups of doctors, engineers and teachers coordinated the biggest protest of the Sudan uprising, consisting of the participation of an unprecedented number of towns and cities, which amount to at least 30. The hashtag  was trending on Twitter in Sudan and across the region.

Government forces known as the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) responded to the protests with live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas.

The peaceful protests turned deadly, leaving at least two dead including Mahjoub Tagalsir, who was allegedly arrested then beaten to death by government forces, and Abdelazim Abubaker (Mohamed Abdelazim), who succumbed to a gunshot wound to his chest. 

There are reports of government forces throwing tear gas at the home of Mahjoub Tagalsir during his funeral Thursday evening and terrorising mourners.

Several others are reported to be injured as NISS officials fired live bullets at protesters. Moreover, videos shared on social media show protesters were left injured when military cars drove into a crowd of peaceful demonstrators.

One of the most shared images on social media from protests on Thursday was the return of a young protester who lost his hand when he lifted up a tear gas in an attempt to keep it away from protesters.

Protests continued on Friday, 25 January with politician Sadig Al Mahdi and his supports joining protesters on the streets calling for Al Bashir and his regime to step down.

The total numbers of deaths since the protests began on 19 December 2018 is unclear. According to the Human Rights Watch (HRW), at least 47 were killed in clashes with riot police. Sudanese officials say at least 26 people have died whereas rights groups say more than 40 have been killed.

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