9 March 2025

TMC and FFC Sign Constitutional Declaration

On Saturday, 3 August 2019, the ruling Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), the main opposition coalition, have reached an agreement on the constitutional declaration.

The agreement comes shortly after the two parties signed an agreement on 17 July 2019 to establish a joint 11-member military-civilian sovereign council that will rule the country by rotation for a period of at least three years and three months. After that, the country would hold democratic elections in 2022.

According to the African Union (AU) mediator for Sudan, Mohamed Hassan Lebatt, the two sides “fully agreed on a constitutional declaration” outlining the division of power for a three-year transition to elections. 

The constitutional declaration outlines the powers and the relationships between the branches of the transitional government for the three-year transition period. The declaration states that the FFC will appoint a prime minister once the document is signed. The prime minister will be tasked to form the government in consultation with the FFC. However, the defence and the interior ministers will be appointed by the TMC.

The declaration was signed on Sunday, 4 August 2019.

The reactions

As with the signing of the power-sharing deal, the agreement has been met with both celebration and objection. 

Others are concerned with what will come after the signing of the constitutional declaration and the economic challenges the incoming transitional government will face in Sudan.

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