28 March 2025

20 Ideas on How to Spend Your Time at Home Productively While Self-Isolating

Despite the increasing numbers of new cases every day and devastating news of deaths, we can  bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic if we commit to fighting it. Every one of us must follow the regulations of the health authorities in their countries. Every one of us must stay at home, wash our hands regularly, and practice social distancing. If we work together, we can save lives. 

While staying at home, many might find their selves bored and distressed. However, staying home can be entertaining and fulfilling especially if you’re with loved ones. 

Here are at least 20 ideas on how to make most of your time at home:

1. Rearrange your room or home

In our busy lives, we do not have much time to care for our rooms, homes or even ourselves. It is a good time to rearrange your room or home. Throw out or donate what you don’t need and make space for things you do. Look online for ways reorganise your space!

2. Read

Reading is a rare hobby nowadays. However, it should be everyone’s hobby as it is a way of language learning or processing, communication and sharing ideas and information. Start by updating your reading list and good reads profile. Create a Good Reads profile to get connected with a group of reading lovers and enthusiasts. Also, follow Nedal Reads, an Egyptian dentist student who is passionate about reading. She does very interesting books reviews. If you find reading books difficult, start with articles. Follow blogs such asArageekSasapostand Aljazeera Blogs. In addition, especially for beginners, start with audio books . LibrivoxKitabsawtiand Iqraaly are examples of platformsthat provide reasonable numbers of audio books for free.

3. Learn new skills with handicraft

Learn new skills and polish existing ones. Handicraft is a very relaxing way to spend your time. You will be doing art and relieving your mind. Doing handicrafts enhances your ability to focus and relax. Also, you can make nice decorative items for your home. There are many online resources where you can access for free and learn new skills. You may also consider drawing, painting, calligraphy, crocheting or knitting.

4. Improve your Arabic language

Arabic is our mother language but unfortunately most of the time, we make huge and common mistakes in both written and spoken Arabic. Arabic is known to be one of the most difficult languages in the world along with Cantonese, Japanese, Korean and Mandarin Chinese. Revise your knowledge of grammar, punctuation and standard Arabic in general. Invest time to improve your Arabic language. There are unlimited free resources online especially on YouTube.

5. Improve your English language

English is the second most spoken language in Sudan. Many educational institutions follow English curriculums and instructions. Practice by watching TV, movies and shows in English, and speak to someone, who is at your level or higher even if it’s on social media. If you have a diary, practice writing in English. There’s always room for improvement so keep improving your language.

6. Learn a new language

There is no doubt that learning a new language is hard but also fun, informative and a nourishing experience for our minds and souls. Language learning is a long journey of planning and practicing. Now is a good time to figure out your language learning journey – where to start, how to do it, and whether to do self-learning or go to an institute. Of course, if you start now, with all educational institutions closed, then it’s going to be a self-taught language, which is even more rewarding.

7. Start journaling

Journaling is one of the most effective ways to express yourself and find pleasure in the tiny details of your daily life. In my experience, journaling enabled me to discover myself better, feel gratitude for all the gifts given to me. Journaling is the first and foremost outlet of my negative feelings and experiences. I write my negative feelings down to let go of them so that my mind is free again to rethink of this experience and get to the bright side of it. I encourage everyone to start journaling, write in the language you prefer or use symbols or drawings, and just let go of the trapped feelings and emotions that are holding you back.

8. Take online courses

Today distant learning is a very popular and common way of learning new things. A huge number of universities are offering online courses in many specialties and expertise. Most of the courses are free of charge. Also, some platforms provide a certificate for free. 

Here are some online learning platforms you may search for your preferred topic: FuturelearnCourseraEdxAlisonAlamaal and Edraak. You may use specialised search engine such as Classcentral to find you your desired course on the different platforms.

9. Volunteer online

There are many opportunities to volunteer online. United Nations Online Volunteering is a good example.You can share your expertise and skills to make a difference in the world while you are in the comfort of your home. In addition, search for your local organisation and ask if you can volunteer from home.

10. Adopt healthy routines

Try to have a stable sleeping pattern. Have healthy meals at the same time every day. You may also try yoga and home-based exercises. Moreover, you can start good skincare routines – skin is the largest organ. Both men and women can do this. We should be grateful for our bodies and take good care of them.

11. Challenge yourself

Challenging yourself is a fun way to spend your time. Learn seven new words per day or teach your siblings new worlds every day. Try to learn with your kid drawing, painting or reading. Get out of your comfort zone to explore new aspects of yourself that you might not know yet.

12. Change your online habits

Instead of spending a lot of time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, spend more time on learning platforms. Access to Internet is a privilege that opens many doors for learning that should not be overlooked by the popularity of social media platforms. For example, spend time in Qoura, an online platform question-and-answer website. You may find a huge number of experts writing and answering questions about something interesting, ranging from how to learn specific skills up to how to maintain healthy marriage and relationships. There’s also LinkedIn where you can connect with professionals from across the globe, and find interesting job opportunities and communities. Don’t forget Google! Ask and find out anything in seconds with more than 70,000 results.

13. Start looking for job opportunities

It is very important to look for job opportunities in your field of specialty, or even in public and civic work in general. There are many websites and platforms which provide opportunities. Marj3Opportunities for AfricansFor9a and Ya Zool For9a are good examples of these platforms.

14. Invest time for career and personal development

Whether you are student, fresh graduate or even mid-career professional, it is always important to invest some time in your development. For students, you may start working on your Curriculum Vitae (CV). Start looking for opportunities to build your capacity and increase your visibility. Many online resources are very useful. Do your research and find yourself a mentor to help you through it. 

15. Start self-dating practices

Self-dating is simply arranging the perfect time and place for yourself to talk to yourself. Dress well, arrange your room and sit with yourself. Self-dating is a form of self-care. It is a way to rethink and reassess everything about your life. Reward and punish yourself, if needed. Express your gratitude to your body and take care of it. Show gratitude for all of the blessings in your life.

16. Invest in your spirituality and mental health

In our modern world, materialism is ruling everything. It is ruling our social status, prestige and even our self-esteem. We live in a world that judges and classifies us based on how much we own and how much we get paid. I am not saying that we shouldn’t give respect to those who worked hard and got some social status but let us be respectful and appreciative of people for their moralities, attitudes, and impact. On top of this, we live in covid-19 pandemic era. All of us are frustrated and depressed and some of us are panicking. We should start caring for ourselves and just do things that make us happy. Spirituality is indeed needed all the time and particularly during hard times. I encourage you to keep practicing your faith and ask Allah to help us all pass these difficult times.

17. Revive old hobbies or passions

I am used to doing crochet and some handicrafts. To be honest, I couldn’t be no more grateful for this quarantine. Finally, I have the time to do whatever I like without feeling guilty about spend time on it. I am taking this chance to learn new art skills and techniques as well as revive old ones. So sit down and try to revive something interesting that you used to do.

18. Watch movies and documentaries

Yes, movies are very interesting, entertaining and could be potentially one of the ways to improve your language. But also make sure you’re watching things you can learn from. Don’t forget to make time to watch documentaries. Many TV channels have good picks.

19. Get close or closer to your family and friends

You never know what will happen tomorrow so take the advantage of this down time and spend it with your loved ones. Put your phones away and turn off the TV or any other form of entertainment, and just have a conversation. Maybe play a game? Work on improving communication with loved ones and strengthening family ties. If there’s something you wanted to say but never got to say it, now is the time. Be honest to yourself and to the others.

20. Please stay at home

Stay at home and try to enjoy every moment of this time. All this hardship will end and we will remember this time so try to create memories. Make it interesting!

Azza Abdelmagid is a 21-year-old Sudanese medical student (and finalist) at University of Alzaiem Alazhari and a freelance translator. She is an active member of Medical Students’ International Network-Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan), a student organisation, uniting Sudanese medical students and giving them a voice. She is interested in Sudanese culture, traditional heritage, and public health specifically women’s health. She believes in youth and women empowerment, and enjoys volunteering, travelling and writing. She is inspired by Helen Keller’s quote: ‘Life is either a daring adventure or nothing’.

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