25 March 2025

New Book “100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners” is All You Need to Master Verbs in Sudanese Arabic

Sudanese Arabic is a beautiful dialect, yet it is almost unknown to the outside world. Even to some who are of Sudanese descent, but grew up in a different country the language may be foreign. Virtually no resources exist for the study of the dialect so learning to be conversationally fluent can be challenging.

A new book 100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners was created by Waleed Elharith Johnson and Fakhradin Dafallaa out of a desire to bridge the gap between learners of Sudanese Arabic and resources. It is meant to be a first step of more resources to come.

The thought process behind the book was simple: creating a comprehensive guide to how verbs work in Sudanese Arabic. While there are a few resources that touch on verb conjugations, none do so in an all-encompassing way. 100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners explains in great detail all of the verb tenses in Sudanese Arabic; sentence structure using modal verbs such as daayir / دا ِیر ; and all of the patterns different verbs in Sudanese Arabic can fall into. Additionally, the book lists one hundred of the most useful verbs in Sudanese Arabic and provides a conjugation table for each verb tense as well as an example sentence using the verb. After studying this book, the reader will not only be equipped to use the verbs they learned, but will also be able to conjugate any new verb that they may come across.

The driving force behind the creation of this book was personal experience and frustration. Waleed Elharith Johnson is the child of a Sudanese father and American mother. Tragically, his father died when Waleed was just a baby and therefore did not grow up speaking the language. Despite maintaining close ties with his family in Sudan, it always bothered him that he did not know the language. When Waleed decided to start learning the language he was immediately confronted with the reality that the language learning journey would be made more difficult by the lack of resources available. Gradually his desire to learn turned into a passion to help others who wanted to learn which led to the idea for this book, which he partnered with Fakhradin to create. Waleed’s interests are varied. He is a Computer Engineer who works as an iOS developer, and he is also an artist. He has done murals and sold paintings across the US and his painting is featured on the cover of 100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners. More of his work can be found on Instagram @waleed_the_artist.

Fakhradin Dafallaa was born to Sudanese parents and raised in the UAE. He currently resides in the Philippines. He currently works as a language instructor online to students from all over the world. Fakhradin specialises in teaching Sudanese Arabic as well as MSA and has years of experience. As his teaching practice began to grow, he realised the lack of resources available for learning Sudanese Arabic and committed to using his knowledge to make learning Sudanese Arabic more accessible to all. He is the creator of the YouTube channel, Learn Sudanese Arabic With Daff www.youtube.com/@LearnSudaneseArabicwithDaff.

The two are currently refining ideas for a potential Sudanese Arabic phrasebook as well as exploring options for making an audio version of 100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners to assist with learning pronunciation.

100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners is available in both paperback and eBook from Amazon www.amazon.com/100-Sudanese-Verbs-Beginners and is available in PDF form here https://payhip.com/b/goRM3

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