28 March 2025

Press Release: Women’s Dominance Competition

Sudanese writers are encouraged to take part in the Forgotten Writers Foundation competition to reveal the mysterious world of Women’s Dominance in Sudan

The Forgotten Writers Foundation was established in Egypt after the January 25th revolution to advocate democracy through literature. It recently launched its second short story competition on the topic of Women’s Dominance. The competition is meant to measure how different cultures and genders define having free, dominant and powerful women in their society. An analysis will be written on this theme and published with the winning stories.


Participants from all over the world are welcome, as diverse inputs are necessary for a full representation on this topic.


Write a story ranging between 500-3000 words starting by a woman dominating a man in any possible way, it can either be political, emotional, financial, economical, sexual, or work domination. The artists are free to be creative in any kind of domination, whether positive or negative, because this will enhance the literary analysis on how human beings measure power towards the other sex, and if they view it as a threat or protection!


The competition is attempting to unravel the unwritten theories about the psychology of a human being, and feminism/anti-feminism sciences. Writers are expected to bring the best of their cores and nourish the world with new theories, for better social communication between genders and with the self.

Detailed guidelines can be found here.

Sudanese entries will be featured in 500 Words Magazine, to demonstrate the various dimensions of the theme in Sudanese literature.

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