The Sudans
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Arts and Culture
Folktales from Sudan: Audio Stories from Sudanese Folklore Coming on 1 April
Reminiscing About Sudan in Movies: Lost Past, Misunderstood Present and Perplexing Future
Elmiene Releases “For The Deported” EP Honouring Sudan
Reem Gaafar’s “A Mouth Full of Salt” Coming Out on 9 April
Zeinab Badawi Announces Publication of Her First Book “An African History of Africa”
New Book “100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners” is All You Need to Master Verbs in Sudanese Arabic
Creative Writing
In Her First Book, Roaa Nizar Writes ‘To All Who Exist’
On What it Means to be Sudani: An Introspection
Crying for Omar
‘Modern Sudan’ Photography Competition Launched
‘Sudan Protests’: Regional Winner of the 2022 World Press Photo Contest
Introducing Food Stylist Thuraya Mahmoud
Colourism and Skin Bleaching in South Sudan
Modesty in Sudan | Part III: Facing Patriarchal Power
The Natural Hair Movement in Sudan
Countries South Sudanese Can Travel to Visa-free
Countries Sudanese Can Travel to Visa-free
Atbara: The Cradle of the Sudan Uprising
Tahani Ajak: The Unknown Helping Hand of Sudan’s Refugee Camps
Interview with Reem Gaafar, The First Sudanese to Win The Island Prize for African Novels
Ghost Season: A Debut Novel By Fatin Abbas
Foreigners’ Perspective
From Nimiti Paradise to Sand Dunes Dreamland
Five Things I Miss About Sudan
Sudan: A Home Away from Home
Science and Technology
Culture and Society in South Sudan in the Face of Climate Change
A Surgeon’s Legacy: Remembering Dr Isam Osman
Introducing Pesabase: Revolutionising Sending Money to South Sudan
Introducing Pesabase: Revolutionising Sending Money to South Sudan
Shakheto: Sudanese Team at 2023 Hult Prize Challenge
Blockchain for Cross-border Remittances in Sudan: A Humanitarian Approach
Remembering Dr Bushra Ibnauf
B’Sarahah: New Initiative Tackling Mental Health in Sudan
Period Poverty in Sudan
Business and Economy
25 March 2025
How Sudanese are Fighting COVID-19 with Traditional Medicine (Garad)
Azza Abdelmagid
Sep 4, 2020
In Sudan, like in many underdeveloped and developing countries, traditional medicine plays a significant role in preventing and treating illnesses and diseases. Sudan is home to an immense wealth of medicinal plants such as Garad, which is...
20 Ideas on How to Spend Your Time at Home Productively While Self-Isolating
Azza Abdelmagid
Apr 2, 2020
Despite the increasing numbers of new cases every day and devastating news of deaths, we can bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic if we commit to fighting it. Every one of us must follow the regulations...
The Politicisation of Universities in Sudan
Azza Abdelmagid
Nov 6, 2019
For decades, universities and the general education system in Sudan has been affected by Sudan’s political climate. Politics founds its way inside the walls of every Sudanese university or educational institution. On a daily basis, many...
A Letter of Solidarity and Resilience to Sudan’s Youth
Azza Abdelmagid
Aug 22, 2019
It has been eight months since the Sudanese revolution began. It’s been months full of ups and downs, and positives and negatives. Feelings of excitement, power and hopefulness met with depression, desperation and helplessness. It has...
The Art of Medicine
Azza Abdelmagid
Oct 8, 2018
Health is one of the most valuable things in our lives. Scientists and medical practitioners continue to uncover cures and new methods to treat from the least invasive to most deadly illnesses and ensure a healthy...
An Inside Look at Traditional Medicine in Sudan
Azza Abdelmagid
Oct 7, 2018
Throughout history, health has been an integral part of human development. In search of well-being, humans discovered different ways to heal themselves and maintain their health. Those discoveries of the early ages led to the development...
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