26 March 2025
  • Sambuxa NYC: Bringing a Taste of Sudan to New York City

    by - Oct 5, 2020
    Food is a life necessity, and what we consume is intricately intertwined with our culture. It’s a universal language that allows us to convey our environments and history and share our mutual culinary experiences. Without it,...
  • Art and Identity: A Conversation with Ahmed Umar

    by - Aug 4, 2019
    Initiated by Emirati art and architecture columnist, Sultan Al Qassemi in 2018, NYC Cultural Majlis is a bimonthly event that invites artists to share the purpose and process of their works that often relate to the culture...
  • Sudanese Americans Organise Largest Diaspora Anti-Government Protest

    by - Feb 24, 2019
    More than two months have passed since protesters took to the streets, calling for President Omar Al Bashir and his regime to step down. Compounded with a crippling economy and repressive government, Sudanese continue to express...
  • The Evolution of Sudanese Arabic

    by - Jan 3, 2019
    Language has long been a source of identity in Sudan. Since 2005, the constitution declared Arabic and English as the official languages, with Sudanese Arabic being the dominant lingua franca spoken by more than 78% of...
  • Sudan’s Protests Enter Seventh Day

    by - Dec 25, 2018
    Thousands have taken to the streets of Sudan, demanding an end to Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir’s 30-year military dictatorship. Shortages and steep increase in prices of basic commodities such as bread and fuel triggered the...
  • Taha El Roubi: Giving Voice to Sudan’s Youth

    by - Nov 30, 2018
    Sudan’s leading English radio station, Capital 91.6 FM reaches at least 1.9 million listeners through the airwaves on their radios and on their phones through applications. ‘Music is our core and with it, one is able to...
  • Al-Mawlid and the Dancing Dervishes of Sudan

    by - Nov 23, 2018
    Millions of Muslims from around the world recently observed Al-Mawlid, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic...
  • The Dancing Queens of Sudan

    by - Oct 31, 2018
    With a distinctive culture that is both Arab and African yet neither just Arab nor African, Sudanese weddings comprise many unique rituals. From pharaonic traditions that were passed down for thousands of years to western style...
  • Non-Sudanese Performing and Contributing to Sudanese Music

    by - Oct 19, 2018
    Undeterred by Sudan’s incessant instability and repression, music has always been a constant and symbol of resilience that continues to capture the country’s unique and diverse cultural history. With more than 500 ethnic groups and 100...