The Sudans
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Arts and Culture
Folktales from Sudan: Audio Stories from Sudanese Folklore Coming on 1 April
Reminiscing About Sudan in Movies: Lost Past, Misunderstood Present and Perplexing Future
Elmiene Releases “For The Deported” EP Honouring Sudan
Reem Gaafar’s “A Mouth Full of Salt” Coming Out on 9 April
Zeinab Badawi Announces Publication of Her First Book “An African History of Africa”
New Book “100 Sudanese Verbs for Beginners” is All You Need to Master Verbs in Sudanese Arabic
Creative Writing
In Her First Book, Roaa Nizar Writes ‘To All Who Exist’
On What it Means to be Sudani: An Introspection
Crying for Omar
‘Modern Sudan’ Photography Competition Launched
‘Sudan Protests’: Regional Winner of the 2022 World Press Photo Contest
Introducing Food Stylist Thuraya Mahmoud
Colourism and Skin Bleaching in South Sudan
Modesty in Sudan | Part III: Facing Patriarchal Power
The Natural Hair Movement in Sudan
Countries South Sudanese Can Travel to Visa-free
Countries Sudanese Can Travel to Visa-free
Atbara: The Cradle of the Sudan Uprising
Tahani Ajak: The Unknown Helping Hand of Sudan’s Refugee Camps
Interview with Reem Gaafar, The First Sudanese to Win The Island Prize for African Novels
Ghost Season: A Debut Novel By Fatin Abbas
Foreigners’ Perspective
From Nimiti Paradise to Sand Dunes Dreamland
Five Things I Miss About Sudan
Sudan: A Home Away from Home
Science and Technology
Culture and Society in South Sudan in the Face of Climate Change
A Surgeon’s Legacy: Remembering Dr Isam Osman
Introducing Pesabase: Revolutionising Sending Money to South Sudan
Introducing Pesabase: Revolutionising Sending Money to South Sudan
Shakheto: Sudanese Team at 2023 Hult Prize Challenge
Blockchain for Cross-border Remittances in Sudan: A Humanitarian Approach
Remembering Dr Bushra Ibnauf
B’Sarahah: New Initiative Tackling Mental Health in Sudan
Period Poverty in Sudan
Business and Economy
27 March 2025
Colourism and Skin Bleaching in South Sudan
Dikun Elioba
Sep 12, 2021
Sudan is a diverse country where its population merges its African roots with Arab blood. Unfortunately in Sudan there are many people who have never really felt Sudanese. There has always been a divide between the North and...
Modesty in Sudan | Part III: Facing Patriarchal Power
Sara Gabralla
Jan 14, 2021
As part of the “Modesty in Sudan” series, we continue to explore and evaluate factors and reasons to why there are what seem to be ‘ambiguous and conflicting practices’ when it comes to women’s modesty and dress code,...
The Natural Hair Movement in Sudan
Thuraya Salih
Aug 26, 2020
Sudan, being a diverse Afro-Arab country with multi-ethnicities, is home to a wide variety of skin shades, hair textures, and overall, looks. However, since the early 1950s, former regimes and society have been enforcing a national...
Modesty in Sudan|Part II: Cracking the Cultural Code
Sara Gabralla
Jul 16, 2020
As discussed in the first article of the “Modesty in Sudan” series, modesty in the Sudanese community is affected by several religio-cultural and political factors. In Sudan, modesty is a dominant social value as it is...
Modesty in Sudan | Part I: Crack the Dress Code
Sara Gabralla
Jun 22, 2020
Since the revolution, conservative Sudan has undergone remarkable changes, marked by a series of changes that have affected its social structure. This evolution reflects the nation’s ongoing dialogue between preserving its heritage and embracing a new...
COVID-19 Lockdown: What Will It Mean For Sudan’s Most Vulnerable?
Khansa Al-Bashier
Apr 19, 2020
Triggered by the recent COVID-19 outbreak, a wave of class consciousness seems to have rippled across the globe with the same proliferative contagion as the virus, whilst the health crisis continues to highlight and expose the...
The Stigma Surrounding Dating Apps in Sudanese Society
Ola Khalil
Feb 23, 2020
Dating apps have become increasingly popular in the past decade. Today, we can connect with a stranger on the other side of the world with a simple swipe on our smartphones. The modern dating landscape has transformed...
An Inside Look Into Dating in Sudan
Thuraya Salih
Feb 12, 2020
Across the world, dating is widely known as an act where two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other’s suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. In Sudan, it’s...
Sudan’s Culture of Anti-Semitism
Mustafa Badri
Jan 9, 2020
In early December 2012, Sudanese officials claimed to have captured an Israeli spy in the Darfuri town of Kereinek. Curiously, the alleged infiltrator in question was no ordinary spy. This particular foreign agent had wings and...
The Dark Side of Equality: Thoughts of a Married Working Mom in Sudan
Sajda Mohamed
Nov 21, 2019
My timeline on social media is filled with posts from women writing about their struggles to find balance in their lives. They are often stressed and anxious trying to be perfect in all aspects. Working moms...
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