25 March 2025


  • Sudan After The Fall

    by - Mar 13, 2019
    In 1989, Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir seized power after a coup masterminded by the late Sudanese politician Dr Hassan Al Turabi. The purpose of the coup was to establish an Islamic government, and to ‘save’...
  • Ahfad Student Sit-in Inspires ‘White Toub’ Trend

    by - Mar 5, 2019
    On 2 March 2019, students at the women-only Ahfad University for Women (AUW), a private higher education university in Omdurman and one of the top universities in Sudan, staged a peaceful and musical sit-in within their campus as part of...
  • A Reflection on the Sudanese Feminist Movement

    by - Mar 4, 2019
    One of my earliest and favourite childhood memories is when I was six years old. My grandmother told us that we will be getting henna. The dark reddish or black body art used by Sudanese women...
  • Love Beyond Borders

    by - Feb 14, 2019
    Each year on 14 February, the world celebrates love. Although Valentine’s Day is one of the most celebrated holiday in the world, it’s not a public holiday anywhere. However, millions of people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers...
  • Sudan Uprising: We The People Demand

    by - Jan 8, 2019
    When the ongoing protests began in Sudan on 19 December 2018, calling for the overthrow of President Omar Al Bashir, quite a few took a step back to contemplate the implications — what comes next? As...
  • Dear South Sudan, Peace is Within Us

    by - Nov 26, 2018
    The beginning South Sudan gained its independence from Sudan and became an independent country on 9 July 2011, following a referendum that passed with 98.83% of the vote. Not long after our celebration of the greatest...
  • Al-Mawlid and the Dancing Dervishes of Sudan

    by - Nov 23, 2018
    Millions of Muslims from around the world recently observed Al-Mawlid, also known as Mawlid Al Nabi Al Sharif. Al-Mawlid is the observance of the birthday of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH/SAW), which is commemorated in Rabie Al-Awal, the third month of the Islamic...
  • Understanding the ‘Cure’ to Mental Health in Africa

    by - Nov 19, 2018
    Growing up, every time my siblings and I would do something that would drive my parents mad, they would jokingly tell us they will end up in Tigani ElMahi. As a result, I began associating mental...
  • Taking Charge of Cultural Diplomacy – One Tweet at a Time

    by - Nov 7, 2018
    Representation of Africa and Africans in the Western media, has been, for decades, a consistent parading of malnourished and naked African children in front of cameras and images of lions and gorillas in the jungle. When...
  • The Dancing Queens of Sudan

    by - Oct 31, 2018
    With a distinctive culture that is both Arab and African yet neither just Arab nor African, Sudanese weddings comprise many unique rituals. From pharaonic traditions that were passed down for thousands of years to western style...