26 March 2025

Sudanese Twitter: Accounts You Should Follow

If you are on Twitter and want to stay up-to-date with the latest news or stories on Sudan, and what’s trending, these are Twitter accounts you should follow:

Hashtag Sudan @hash_sudan

Hashtag Sudan shares trending hashtags, news and events about Sudan. It also highlights Sudanese success stories, acts of kindness or charity, and humanitarian aid. 

Followers: +148,000 

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebook

Sudan Change Now @Sudanchangenow

The official Twitter account of the Sudan Change Now, the Sudanese political movement established in 2010 by young activists working for peaceful democratic change in Sudan. The account shares the latest news on the economic and political crisis in Sudan and announces any civil protest or unrest.

Followers: +57,900  

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebook

Sudanese Culture @SudaneseCulture

Sudanese Culture is dedicated to educating its followers about Sudanese culture, history, heritage, lifestyle, literature, nature and more. The account always mentions the source or credits the original owners of any pictures or content they share.

Followers: +75,000

Language: Arabic and English

Other social media accounts: Instagram

Sudan Motion @SudanMotion

The official Twitter account of the Sudanese news outlet, Sudan Motion, sharing the latest political, economic and social news on Sudan.

Followers: +77,900  

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebooksudanmotion.com

Sudan News @sudan_tweet 

Sudan News shares the latest political, economic, social and even sports news on Sudan. 

Followers: +104,000

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebook

Sudanese Network Bloggers @Sudaneseblogs

Sudanese Network Bloggers is a network of more than 400 Sudanese bloggers from around the world. It shares interesting blog posts and introduces Sudanese bloggers to its community of over 51,000 followers. The account also shares the latest news and trending tweets on Sudan. 

Followers: +51,000 

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebooksdunlimitedbloggers.blogspot.com

Sudanese Online @sudaneseonline1

The official Twitter account of Sudanese Online news website, sharing the latest social, political and economic news on Sudan.

Followers: +35,000

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebooksudaneseonline.com

Sudanese Tweeps @SudaneseTweeps

Sudanese Tweeps is the ranking system for all Sudanese users on Twitter.

Followers: +21,500

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: 

Voices of South Sudan @VoicesofSSudan

Inspired by Voices of Sudan, Voices of South Sudan was recently created as a rotation curation Twitter account where every week, a new curator from South Sudanese takes over or curates the account for a minimum of a week to discuss a topic of their choice. 

Followers: +1,100

Language: English

Other social media accounts: N/A

Voices of Sudan @Sudan_Voices

A rotation curation Twitter account where every week, a new curator (from Sudan or a non-Sudanese based in Sudan) takes over or curates the account for a minimum of a week to discuss a topic of their choice. Over 70 curators have curated the account thus far, discussing over 70 topics regarding Sudanese culture and tradition, sports, economy, politics, archeology, media and journalism, and more.

Followers: +41,000

Language: Arabic and English

Other social media accounts: N/A

Ya Zool Events @YaZoolEvents

Ya Zool Events keeps you updated with the latest events in Sudan, including festivals, concerts, workshops, conferences, exhibitions and more.

Followers: +17,000

Language: Arabic

Other social media accounts: Facebook

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