This is a big problem that we, as a Sudanese nation, should take care of and solve, so we can improve ourselves.
Thanks for using my composed image.. It tells all about Sudan: History, People and Future.. I really feel contributing with something sustainable..!
I don’t think it’s strictly correct to call anti-muslim sentiment ‘racism’. Anti-semitism can be used for dislike of muslim people of arabic origin. Coming from UK where racist terms of speech are very common it is no surprise to hear of racism in Sudan. Just as in Sudan there are forms of racism in Europe directed against other white people This observation has been made over 100 years ago by black Americans visiting Europe and seeing how Slavs are sometimes viewed by some Germans, or how Irish are viewed by some English. When I lived in Thailand I also noticed how many Thai men liked to talk of women with ‘white skin’ as being more desirable. Racism is often based on ignorance, and in this World the rich and powerful exploit all kinds of ignorance for their own ends, so when a person hears words with racial connotations it’s better to take an attitude of caution and watchfulness rather than rage or anger..Some people can use inadvertently use racist language because they have not had a chance to get a good education., while other people use racist language because they seek consent for genocide.
Dear Wael , I just remember the conversation that we had ( me & U) immediately after the death of the late Dr.Garang . thats why we need new sudan (Sudan jadeed ) . by the way there is a book called (علاقات الرق في المجتمع السوداني ) written by the late M.I.Nugud , plz do have a look on it . 🙂 Regards Bonguz