29 March 2025

Sudan Confirms 14 COVID-19 Cases

The Federal Ministry of Health has confirmed there are 14 COVID-19 cases as of Tuesday, 7 April 2020. In addition, there are 224 suspected cases.

In addition, the ministry has reported a suspected new case in Sennar State on Wednesday, 8 April. The suspected case is a 47-year-old man who had contact with a person who came from abroad and tested positive for COVID-19. He is currently being held in Singa Center in Sennar. There are at least 12 suspected cases in Sennar, who are currently in quarantine at their homes. According to the ministry, they are in stable conditions.

To date, out of the 14 confirmed COVID-19 cases, two have died, including the first reported patient and patient #6. The youngest patient with COVID-19 in Sudan is an 11-year-old girl who transmitted the disease from her father, patient #9. Three of the 14 cases were locally transmitted, having received the disease when they came in contact with individuals, who have recently returned to Sudan from abroad.

With 88 beds, Jabra hospital is receiving all COVID-19 cases including suspected, confirmed and severe cases that require ICU admission. The hospital also includes an isolation room.

On Wednesday, 8 April, the Minister of Health Dr Akram Al Toum called on the Sudanese people to continue to self-isolate even within their homes, separating from their family members and avoiding using shared appliances and spaces. He showed concern over the spread of the disease in Sudan and said, ‘If the disease begins to transmit in Sudan and spread between us, it won’t stop.’

World Health Organization (WHO) has listed Sudan as a risk for a pandemic spread due to a lack of preparatory procedures and health facilities.  

To answer all questions related to COVID-19, a government-sponsored call centre has been established for all residents of Sudan, operating 24/7. Call centre: 221

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