31 March 2025

Sudan Imposes Nationwide Curfew

In an attempt to stop the spread of the COVID-19, Sudan’s ruling Sovereign Council has announced a dusk to dawn curfew, which will last from 8 pm to 6 am, starting Tuesday, 24 March 2020.

Any local long-distance bus trips between cities will stop across the country, starting 6 pm on Thursday, 26 March 2020.

The move comes after the country recorded its second COVID-19 case on 20 March 2020. The first case, who succumbed to the disease, was reported on 13 March 2020. There are at least 17 suspected cases.

Sudan has already taken measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. The country declared a health emergency last week and has already closed all airports, ports and border crossings. The airport as well as border crossings have now temporarily reopened to enable nationals to return from overseas, due to the abrupt decision to close the airport, leaving many residents stranded overseas.

The Ministry of Health prepared a few hospitals to become quarantine centres for any suspicious or confirmed cases. People coming from countries with local transmission must stay in home isolation for 14 days.

There are currently no confirmed or reported COVID-19 cases in South Sudan. However, a few countries such as Saudi Arabia have imposed travel restrictions to South Sudan.

To answer all questions related to COVID-19, a government-sponsored call centre has been established for all residents of Sudan, operating 24/7. Call centre: 221

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