31 March 2025

A NEW SUDAN: Be the Sudan you want to see

Photo: Sabah El Basha

We all complain about Sudan, whether it’s about the absence of entertainment facilities, the high levels of unemployment or the underdeveloped infrastructure. We love to point fingers at different individuals and have endless conversations about who to blame. But did we stop and think about what we as individuals have done to make Sudan the country we want to live in? Who are we expecting to come develop our country us? As Dr. Denis Waitley once said “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.”

This raises the question of how we can take responsibility in changing these conditions? Where should we start? I believe we can help Sudan develop by first being proud of it, and when relevant, giving it credit for its successes. At the moment, instead of being proud of our country and identity, we are too busy trying to claim other nationalities. Have you ever seen an English person trying to attain a Sudanese citizenship? However, you find hundreds of Sudanese individuals who post either American or European cities as their hometowns on Facebook. Crediting your country for its success is a way to develop and increase Sudan’s assets. Even the ones who consider themselves Sudanese change their nationality once they smell the scent of success. Believe it or not Sudan has indirectly contributed to your success, so it’s time to give it back some of what it gave you.

To physically make a difference we have to think creatively, while using our knowledge and expertise. I personally, support the notion of traveling abroad to study and gain work experience, especially the fortunate ones that can bear the expenses. However, more importantly, I strongly encourage all of those abroad to come back to Sudan once they gain all that expertise to help their own nation develop. There is a high percentage of brain drain, and Sudan needs development in all sectors and industries. Therefore, Sudan definitely needs our help. I know all of this is easier said than done but you should be the change you want to see. We are the only people who can develop our country, no other citizen will trouble themselves with doing so. This should be our attitude towards developing Sudan, all other factors should be put aside. We should try to overlook the economic status and the political party in power as much as we can, we should look forward to move forward. What matters is what we are giving back to our nation and our people, John F. Kennedy once said “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

We should believe in our country and our people, and believe that we can make the difference. “If not us, who? If not now, when?” – John F. Kennedy. Lets change our angry complaints into constructive criticism and productive actions. It all starts somewhere, let today be our start.

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  • Ahmad Mohamed
    17 August 2012 at 6:31 pm - Reply

    All true and well said. However, for now we only need talent to help bring about a fundamental shift in the way our country is governed and that starts with fomenting a grass roots revolution – political and eventually social. We do not need to pour precious talent into a fetid system that is Sudan today – its been tried and its failed miserably.

  • Ambrose Chapel
    18 August 2012 at 2:07 am - Reply
  • Samir basbos
    12 September 2012 at 4:39 pm - Reply

    True . But everyone is focusing in secondary problems that will not help us or improve the country at all .