28 March 2025

Top 10 Travel Destinations for Sudanese

Although lovely, Sudan is lacking in many areas, which makes many Sudanese citizens, who can afford a journey abroad, to travel to other countries in pursue of basic necessities. The reasons can be anything, from tourism to seeking medical treatment, work, business or education.

Many Sudanese prefer to travel and live in countries such as Egypt and in the Gulf where there is already an existing Sudanese community and Islamic culture.

Although Sudan is home to a variety of colleges and universities, its education system is far behind the rest of the world. As a result, many Sudanese, who can afford to travel, prefer to continue their higher education abroad. 

The goals and aims differ and therefore, so do the destinations. 500 Words Magazine lists the top 10 preferred destinations for Sudanese travellers, be it for leisure and tourism, medical treatment, business, education or immigration.


Main purpose: Medical treatments, education and tourism

While people from all over the world travel to Egypt for its rich and ancient tourism attractions, Sudanese travel to their neighbouring country for a lot more than tourism. Egypt is closer in distance to Sudan and hence is the number one preferred destination for Sudanese to travel to for education, healthcare or business. However, the most common reason is medical treatment. Egypt is affordable and offers a wide range of medical services and centres with professionals who hold high quality education, training and care. Therefore, many Sudanese pursue an education in medicine in Egypt. Egypt is also a popular honeymoon destination for newly-weds.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: Beware of theft, fraudsters and scammers and touts. Always ask for prices before making purchases! Travel and health insurance are recommended.


Main purpose: Tourism

Sudan shares its borders with neighbouring Ethiopia and travelling there can be affordable as one can easily travel by car. Ethiopia is popular for its culture, nature and climate. With its significant culture and heritage, Ethiopia prospers with historical sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list such as the Tigary, Harari and Amhara Regions, ample with ruins, fortresses, plateaus, lakes, rivers and more. The National Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa is an archaeological treasure on its own. If all of that doesn’t interest you, you can always visit Ethiopia just to enjoy its cuisine, cultural dances, dramatic mountain scenery and rare endemic bird life.

Visa: On arrival

Travel tips: Foreign currency is rarely used in Ethiopia. Instead, pay with Ethiopian currency. US Dollars (USD) are the best foreign currency to bring with you because it’s easily exchanged. Beware of theft, fraudsters and scammers and touts.


Main purpose: Education

When it comes to pursuing an education, many young Sudanese men and women prefer India. In Sudan, India is not just known for its Bollywood movies and food, it is the second most popular country when it comes to education; specifically those seeking post-graduate diplomas and internships. An advantage of studying in India is its affordability – be it the actual fees of the programme or the cost of campus and lifestyle. Also, India’s education system is unique. They offer a range of majors and programmes that you won’t easily find in other countries such as yoga – India has seven traditional yoga centres. India has developed drastically in IT and communication and now has excellent programmes in computer technology and related studies.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: Beware of theft, fraudsters and scammers and touts. Plan your travel according to the weather. The best time to visit India is from October to March. The majority of India is tropical and is affected by three main seasons; summer, winter and monsoon.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

Main purpose: Work, business, pilgrimage

Saudi Arabia is one of the top destinations Sudanese travel to seeking job opportunities along with the number one factor, which is to visit the holy Mecca and El Medina to perform pilgrimage. Like many Muslims from around the world, Sudanese mostly travel to KSA for the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages. KSA is believed to be home to at least 300,000 Sudanese.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: The best time to visit is December through February when its winter and the weather is pleasant. It’s very hot from May to September. Do not take pictures of people in public unless you were given explicit permission from the subject or owner. KSA is a conservative Muslim country so beware of what you say in public as speaking on subjects regarding Islam and the ruling family are a taboo. Both men and women should dress conservatively. Women should wear abayas with scarves, and men should avoid wearing shorts.


Main purpose: Tourism, education

One of the countries that is preferred by students all over the world is Malaysia, Malaysia has worked hard over the past many years to power their country with a focus on education. Their universities now rank very high and have a wide range of majors and diplomas that attract ambitious students. Also, universities in Malaysia are less expensive compared to other countries and offer just as good an education.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: The best time to visit Malaysia is between December and February, if you’re planning on visiting the islands on the west side of Malaysia such as Penang or Langkawi; or June through August, if you’re planning to visit the country’s Eastern coast such as Perhentians and Tioman Island.


Main purpose: Tourism

Many Sudanese newly-weds now choose the Maldives as their honeymoon destination. Its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters attract people from all over the world. Couples can watch the alluring marine life, spend each day at a different island, visit the glowing beach and even indulge in beach sports, making the Maldives a perfect destination for a memorable honeymoon or holiday.

Visa: On arrival

Travel tips: Make sure you book your flights and hotels online as early as possible. The best time to visit the Maldives is between Novemberand April. The high season falls between December and March. The monsoon runs from May to October, peaking around June. The northern atolls have highest rainfall May-November; the southern atolls from November to March.

South Africa

Main purpose: Tourism

South Africa is a marvellous tourist destination for sightseeing and one of the top destinations in Africa, if not the world. It has one of the best climates in the African continent. Compared to countries in the northern hemisphere, their winters are relatively mild, and the summers are pleasantly warm. The geographical landscape is truly one-of-a-kind. Its mountains and wildlife makes a trip to South Africa worthwhile. And the good news is that it’s an affordable destination. Its accommodations and safaris are less expensive than many other countries.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: Make sure you book your flights and hotels online as early as possible. Cape Town has a severe water shortage problem where as well as in many other parts of South Africa. Stay hydrated! Keep valuables in your hand luggage. Beware of theft, fraudsters and scammers and touts.


Main purpose: Work, business

Although one of the smallest countries in the world, Qatar is one the richest countries in the world. As the host of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022, many are expecting Qatar to become the most visited country in the Middle East. Besides enjoying Qatar’s culture, architecture wonders, fine shopping malls and amazing restaurants, Sudanese have recently begun looking at Qatar for job opportunities. Qatar is already home to at least 60,000 Sudanese citizens. With its booming economy, Qatar is believed to have many job opportunities, opening the door for more Sudanese seeking employment as teachers, policemen, consultants, doctors and in many other fields. From manmade islands to ancient souqs, Qatar is definitely worth a visit.

Visa: Required. However, Qatar doesn’t provide a tourist visa to Sudanese citizens so you will need a close relative in Qatar to apply for you.

Travel tips: The best time to visit is December through February when its winter and the weather is pleasant. However, flights and hotels are most expensive during the winter season. It’s very hot from May to September. However, the summer season is when flights and hotels are affordable and there are special offers, discounts and sales throughout the country.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Main purpose: Tourism, work, business

There is no ‘top travel destinations’ list in the world that would not include the UAE. People around the world visit the UAE, mostly for tourism as it has some of the finest attractions in the world like the manmade island, The Palm; the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa; the dancing fountain; the Gold Souq and more. For Sudanese, the UAE is mostly a destination for business and job seekers. However, many Sudanese make their way to the UAE for tourism and especially to shop. The UAE is currently home to at least 70,000 Sudanese.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: The best time to visit is December through February when its winter and the weather is pleasant. However, flights and hotels are most expensive during the winter season. It’s very hot from May to September. However, the summer season is when flights and hotels are affordable and there are special offers, discounts and sales throughout the country.

United States of America (USA)

Main purpose: Employment, immigration

Many Sudanese immigrated to the USA in the 1990s as war refugees, escaping the civil war in Sudan. In the 2012 American community survey, 48,763 people identified themselves as Sudanese or Sudanese-Americans who or whose ancestors had emigrated from their native land to the USA in the ’80s, ’90s and 2000s.

Visa: Required

Travel tips: Although the USA has recently agreed on talks to remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Sudan still remains on the list. Be prepared to be questioned and interrogated at immigration at airports in the USA. Winters are harsh in most states so if you can’t handle the cold, avoid travelling to the USA during winter.

Yusra Jamal is an economics student based in Sudan that hopes to make in impact in the world and Sudan specifically. Travelling the world has been her dream. 

Rawan Abazer is an architect-to-be based in Sudan, trying to put my fingerprints on the world by writing. ‘We put our passion towards traveling and exploring the world into writing,’ she says.

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  • Khabab
    15 December 2018 at 10:22 pm - Reply

    Keep up the good stuff 🙂