I have no horse in this race. I cant tell you visiting Ramallah , Jordan and Jerusalem I was captivated by the openness and good nature of the Israelis. As an American I felt at home almost immediately. Jordan was gorgeous. I will never forget Petra. Ramallah, not so much. Unfortunately, the immediate tension that was palatable in the West Bank just because I look or dress like an American I didnt appreciate. I noticed how women are treated poorly and one Cafe owner saying in arabic how he doesnt allow women in his cafe who dress like western sl-ts. While in Isreal I witnessed what I will describe as one of the best parties ever, the LGTB parade. Wow. Women Soliders and Commanders. Black, Brown and Asian IDF soldiers. I really couldnt believe it with my own eyes. Although, I do know many arabs personally and I know them to be warm and kind. They, including the moderates are highly closed in and reject inclusivnes. I gather due to the teachings of the Qur’an. I read it. I can see how it impedes modern progress. I appreciate your experiences and your opinion. I do feel your observation was made thru an acute one sided lens. How can you overlook the obvious God Bless You and Thank You