It depends on what you watch. Most of what you describe seems to me like MTV type shows. There is quality programming around the clock. You just have to look for it. As much as I liked Grendizer, I could also write an article about how useless cartoons are, occupying precious space in our brains. The same thing goes for football.. Talk about a mass diversion? An arsenal game is the last thing I would watch and there are so many issues with organized sports, especially mainstream games/teams. So I guess what I’m saying is, you are taking issue with what people choose to watch for entertainment and the same could be done for you with the two things you mentioned. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying OMG or whaddup in an attempt to be cool. That’s okay. That’s how culture spreads.
hey yassir, its always joyful to read ur pieces, u seem to always put a smile on my face while stating good points in the process, i do agree with you, mostly the time i spend in watching TV is just a time wasted i’m full aware of that and thats exactly why i do it lol, i take it as a de-stress mechanism i watch a movie so i wont have to think about anyyyything in these two hrs,, its like going to an entertaining nothing box, Though i disagree with alphabeta in what he/she mostly said about coolness ( NO saying Oh Mah Gad is NOT cool) but i do think maybe there are sum useful shows out there, in historym geography and national geographic kinda they are usually entetaining. Last thing you reminded of that joke talking about shows says something about watching a sea show all about fish and everything is innocent but as soon as ur parents walk in fish start kissing and matting rituals among wales are shown or sumthing like that, #SoTrue lol !
OMG Grendizer!! #BlastFromThePast As always, great post Yasir. I’ve been reading them for a while so thought I’d comment today. I’ve stopped watching TV a while back too. It began with soap operas, then Saturday night shows followed, then all evening shows. Now for me to watch anything it has to have been reviewed by someone else and recommended.