23 February 2025

Sudan’s Bloggeratti: Part I


I recently came across the website of the new book “My Isl@m” by blogger Sudanese Thinker, now using his real name Amir Ahmed Nasr. In the promotional video for the book (to be released on June 11th, 2013), Amir spoke about the internet changing his life, specifically blogging, and how it allowed him to paint a more accurate picture of being a Sudanese and a Muslim. He thought, investigated and put pen to paper (finger to keyboard) on his blog since 2006 and now his first book will tackle this online journey exploring the freedom of speech afforded by the internet to many around the world.

This isn’t a promotional article for the book , but a celebration of this tool, the internet and specifically social media; blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Soundcloud, Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram and some others like Google+ and Reddit which are foreign to me.

I might give you the Twitterrati file, or Instragram Sudanese Hall of Fame later on, but for now I’d like to celebrate and acknowledge a few amazing bloggers from Sudan. Sudanese Thinker has already compiled a list of Sudanese blogs/bloggers, but it needs an update. So here are some of the most up to date and enjoyable Sudanese blogs.


Poet, writer and spoken word extraordinaire; the young woman behind this blog is also a Twitter celebrity and one of the founders of NasWithNotepads. She amassed a major campaign to send waves of encouragement from the world and pour it into Sudan during the eventful summer of 2012. Her blog is about moving back to Sudan, finding one’s place and the daily struggles of being part of this society. There is a section on the blog titled “Rants”, enjoy.

Still Sudan

Magdi El Gizouli’s blog raises a few eyes brows and has (on more occasions than I’ll admit) made me reach out to the Dictionary application on my phone. This is definitely the go-to opinion blog for updated political satire and analysis.


Q’s prowess as a poet and writer has titillated us continuously since her blog launched mid-2012. Her talent lies in her ability to seduce you inside her story by the imagery and fluidity of the words.  A truly beautiful addition is how entirely Sudanese the stories are; in essence and in their Arabic-laced descriptions.

Lost Under Control

This blog is a poetry universe on its own. Established in 2007, it has been constantly updated with manifold pieces expressing the personal and the observed. Reading it sporadically, you’re bounced between hope and depression with everything in between, exploring reflections from the mind of the blogger; Sudan Fairytale.


This eclectic collection of cartoons, pictures and articles is worth sifting through if you’re in the mood for tidbits on world affairs.

Ola Diab’s Blog

Ola is a writer and brilliant rising film maker. Well traveled, humble and adventurous, you sense her longing for Sudan in her work and can only take pride in her now and anticipate the evolution of her work. Based in Qatar, her blog is mostly about her work abroad, with a keen interest in what is not mainstream. Her videos are especially worth seeing.

Oh Yeah Sudan

Absolute joy for eccentric art lovers and those yearning for outstanding links with our beloved neighbor South Sudan. The mesh of cool designs, old photographs, videos, press announcements and random tidbits is a comfortable escape to the beauty of our Sudans. Readers are advised to abandon their negativity as the page loads and to share and enrich the content of this self sustaining colony of splendor.

A few South Sudanese blogs worth checking out.

PaanLuel Wël and WeakLeaks have great compilations of social and political commentary on South Sudan and Sudan-South Sudan relations.

Sudanese Returnee/SouthSudan4U

Thoughts and observations by a South Sudanese who returned home to Juba and continued to blog about South Sudan’s history, politics and society. This personal account of life in South Sudan is exactly what this article is about – celebrating personal truthful reflections from the ground, analyzing what touches us all, or touches us personally.

The blogosphere has offered us a great place to share thoughts, ideas, projects and connect a wealth of Sudanese and South Sudanese minds to reflect the reality to us, and to the world. More people are joining and some oldies would be welcomed back if they dust off their blogs a little.


**Do you have a blog you’d like featured in our upcoming Bloggeratti file? Post the link in the comments section.


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  • Reem Gaafar
    28 April 2013 at 4:04 pm - Reply
  • Omnia Shawkat
    28 April 2013 at 4:53 pm - Reply

    Reem! I’m a huge fan of your blog! It’s already in the second installment and the third will be about Arabic blogs.

    Thanks and please don’t be shocked. I love your kitty posts by the way:P

  • Tagreed Abdin
    1 May 2013 at 4:53 pm - Reply

    She is shocked, she tells you!
    I’m a great fan of Reem’s blog and Reem the person. I even read Osman’s Arabic blog because of her referral.
    Fursa sa3eeda.

  • Dalia
    2 May 2013 at 10:56 pm - Reply
  • Omnia Shawkat
    3 May 2013 at 9:25 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the referral Dalia, will do! The next list will feature really cool blogs – both social and political! Look out 🙂

  • Amel Sami
    17 May 2013 at 11:58 am - Reply
  • sudanreturnee
    26 November 2013 at 8:16 pm - Reply
  • afnanhassab
    4 September 2017 at 3:46 am - Reply