26 March 2025

Bas, J Cole, Sinkane and More Show Support for the People of Sudan

Sudanese-American rapper Bas, American rapper J Cole, Sudanese-American musician Sinkane, American journalist Nicholas Kristof, Yemeni singer Balqees Fathi, and other celebrities and journalists from around the world have gone on social media to express their support as well as their concern for the people of Sudan after news of protests across Sudan broke out on 19 December.

The protests in Sudan are a result of the rising prices of commodities such as bread and fuel, both subsidised by the government. Protesters are calling for the overthrow of Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir and his government. Al Bashir, who has been wanted on an arrest warrant since 2009 by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Darfur, has been in power for approximately 30 years. He became the president of Sudan in 1989 in a military coup that ousted former Prime Minister Sadig Al Mahdi.

The anti-government protests began in Atbara then spread to Dongola, Port Sudan, El-Gadarif, North Kordofan, Sennar and finally, Khartoum. It is believed that at least 20 people have died in Sudan mostly in El-Gadarif during clashes with riot police. 

Sudan has called on a state of emergency and imposed a curfew in many of the cities. In addition, the government has shut down internet service and social media sites; and closed schools and universities in Khartoum to prevent students from joining the widening protests.


Related links:

Protests Erupt Across Sudan Over Economic Woes

Queues for Fuel, Queues for Bread, Queues for Everything

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