31 March 2025

Outrage After Arab TV Racist Portrayal of Sudanese People

Egyptian actress Shimaa Seif has faced backlash after appearing on a Ramadan TV prank show, “Elshak2labaz”, on MBC Masr in blackface in a demeaning imitation of a Sudanese woman.

Dressed in the Sudanese toub, Seif attempts to speak in the Sudanese Arabic dialect, sings, jokes and even pretends to drink alcohol while on a minibus, in an effort to be an uncomfortable bus passenger to prank other bus passengers.

The TV show was met with outrage by Sudanese viewers on social media, calling the show and Seif insulting and racist; and called for boycotting MBC Masr for airing the show, using the hashtag “boycott MBC Masr” in Arabic. MBC Masr has removed some of the episodes of the show from their social media platforms.

An apology from Seif surfaced on social media where she apologised to her Sudanese fans, saying she is a comedian and it was meant to make people laugh and did not mean to offend or insult anyone. However, there are doubts whether that apology was truly made by her as it does not appear on her official social media accounts.

Seif has previously made racist remarks about people who are black or dark-skinned. 

On the same day, on 12 May, another video appeared on social media of a prank show on Libya Al-Ahrar TV channel with yet another actress in blackface, imitating a Sudanese woman who leaves her children in a non-moving elevator with other passengers, only to discover the children they are stuck with are actual monkeys.

Like Elshak2labaz, the controversial prank show caused outrage on social media.

The Libyan actress, Monera Blrwen, issued an official apology and said they have removed the episodes and are dedicating a whole episode to Sudanese people to clarify and apologise for the demeaning portrayal of Sudanese women.

During the holy month of Ramadan, TV shows are quite popular with dozens of Arabic drama, comedy and talk shows. In the past, there have been several racist TV shows targeting and mocking Sudanese, their culture, language and colour. Just last Ramadan, there were many cases of racist content on Arab TV channels, causing outrage on social media.

The Egyptian comedy series, “Azmi we Ashgan“, created by Egyptian producer Ahmed Al Sobki, featured the lead actors donning blackface repeatedly throughout the series, using racist language such as the n-word and portraying black people as servants. In addition, the Kuwaiti comedy series, “Block Ghashmara“, aired a whole episode with actors in blackface demeaning Sudanese people and portraying them as lazy and cynical.

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  • Ibrahim
    15 May 2019 at 12:00 am - Reply

    You know what’s ironic is that those same Egyptians are in DENIAL about the original people of Egypt who 100% Sudanese….they have been misled because they only know what they have been told….still its no excuse for their blatant racism

  • Ibrahim
    15 May 2019 at 12:10 am - Reply

    also ironic is that Shaima has Nubian features….if she did a DNA Test she would find she had Black Genes

  • Ibrahim
    15 May 2019 at 12:12 am - Reply

    the ORIGINAL Arabs themselves were as black as black people today which ranged from light skinned to very dark skinned complexions and therefore were only be described as being black people by the Arabs themselves and the scholars of the past.

    Ibn Yaeesh mention in his book Sharh Al Mufassal page 48

    ”The meaning of Al Aswad is because the majority of ( the Arabs ) are brown and jet black in colour.”

    و ذكر ابن يعيش في كتابه شرح المفصل ص ٤٨
    المراد الاسود لان غالب عليم السمرة والسواد

    • i Arnice
      18 June 2019 at 3:43 pm - Reply

      Do you happen to know if there is an English edition of this book anywhere? I can’t seem to find this online in the US. Tried other domains in some other countries and can only find references. I really would like to have this book for my research. Your comments are exactly the kind of references that I need