I am a South Sudanese christian too and although your post was an intriguing perhaps it was a little harsh, it is hard to fast, as an observant catholic christian during lent i abstain from meat which is all around me and can be very tempting to eat, now imagine eating no food at all. I know that these are simply your observances (I have witness the same among my muslim friends) but people are weak and forgetful, I am in high school and i go to a catholic school where we have prayer three times a day and on shrove tuesday (the begining of lent) we are given a pancake breakfast (because during lent we are to eat only unleaven/flat bread and herbs/vegetables) but imagine what they gave us along with our pancakes one year! Sausages! LOL so many people ate them without a care in the world. I also have lots of friends who vow to give up chocolate or give all there allowance money to the poor for lent but the next day you see them use all their allowance money to buy a whole box of chocolates. Your right that for many their hearts are not truely in it and i think it comes from ignorance of their religion, most of this behaviour happens among teens (high school and college students) who are still trying to find themselves and who may be going through a time where they question their identity and even their religion. End the ignorance is the key, sit them down and discuss raamadan with them. Why do they fast? What does it mean to them to do so? And how do they feel when raamadan is over? Anyway these people will eventually grow up and find themselves, and when the discover who they are they will konw what they want to do. Raamadan Kareem.